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Meet The Team


Pharmacists are at the heart of every pharmacy. Not only are they prescribing life saving medication, they are supporting the community and distributing medical advice. Without these people, the strain on our NHS would be even greater and so we can see why Pharmacists and their staff act as another front line. During this pandemic, pharmacists have taken on even greater pressure and have even faced periods of verbal abuse due to a shortage in drugs resulting in built up anger. It is times like these, we can see why these people contribute to society so much; holding people together when they struggle to do so themselves. The building of relationships and conversing between pharmacist and patient gives a sense of reassurance and also safety.  It is clear as to why these pharmacists are valued within our society. 

Mo- The Pharmacist:


With the pressure of patient care and the need to follow through with the pharmacist's instructions, it is the counter assistants who are the true face of the pharmacies, especially since they are the ones dealing with patients directly and building relationships while doing so. It is these people who are responsible for creating a welcoming atmosphere while also offering the best service possible and throughout this pandemic, their role has often been under appreciated. They serve on a medical front line, risking themselves in order to communicate effectively with patients while handing out medication but also while giving advice surrounding medical conditions, which could also double up as symptoms of the virus. It's important to note the position they are in and to appreciate their dedication within their work. 

Alexander- The Counter Assistant:


Despite not being staff, the patients are at the focus point of this pharmacy. Each one is warmly welcomed to ensure a sense of safety and security; two things needed to feel comfortable in an often tender situation. 







Without these patients, the pharmacies wouldn't run in the same way and there wouldn't be a need for the service provided. Patients are at the heart of this business with medical advice and medication always available to them. Covid-19 has been a struggle for the patients as well as the staff as a result of the new restrictions and this really highlighted their importance. For a lot of patients, this was the only place they visited during lockdowns and so the communication increased, with patients and staff building a more warming rapport. 


Rachel- The Patient:

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